Therapeutic Literacy, Inc.

Supporting Educators in Strategies to Reach All Students

Our Vision

To create a brain researched approach to teaching and education to ensure all are learning at their highest potential.

Our Mission

To boost academically struggling students using multi-modality instruction to close educational gaps.

Program Development for Educators

Our goal is to be a support network for the entire school staff. Regular education teachers and Special Education teachers both need classroom interventions, neurological guidance, and integration strategies to reach all students.

Topics are tailored to fit the needs of the school district, administration, and educators. Discussion with the district on specific needs will design the program. Examples of possible programs:

– Movement Integration in Classrooms
– Sensory Integration
– Zones of Regulation
– Non-punitive and neurologically based behavior strategies
(strategies to help your students with trauma)
S’cool Moves – therapeutic-based academic and behavior support.

Our most recent professional development includes in-depth teacher training on the science behind reading. In-service is led by our Intervention Specialist, Janet Smith who has over 30 years combined experience in teaching, special education, and literacy. She also serves as our lead interventionalist in our structured literacy program.

All Program Development Packages Include:

  • Resource List

  • Sensory Motor Relationship

  • Sample Classroom Set-Up

  • Neurological Explanation

  • Direct Email Q &A

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Individualized Examples

Half-Day Program


Get started, today!

Full-Day Program


Get started, today!

We realize that your time, effort, and money are important.  It is our goal to provide an abundance of classroom-specific and student learning information to help the regular education and special education classrooms and educators.  Please contact us with specific needs.

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